So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Probably my kitchen and only because it isn't big enough.

What is your least frequented room?

*btw I hate vacuuming too!!*
Evening is my favorite time of the day.

What is your least favorite part of the day?

*Thanks sampler--if we lived closer, I'd take you up on that!:) *

Every time I see your posts, a song runs through my head:
Blue skies Smiling on me
Nothing but blue skies Do I see
Blue birds Singing a song
Nothing but blue skies From now on.​

It's really a pleasant experince. Thank you.
4-5 hours

Do you sleep with anything on? ex.-lights, tv, radio, etc.
I like to fall asleep listening to music. :music:

Do you like complete darkness when falling asleep? depends

have you ever fallen asleep at the computer or with the laptop on your lap?
no, but in college and grad school, i ALWAYS fell asleep in the library reading

TNP has been educated in a non-traditional setting

What item in your fridge has the closest expiration date?

*Monkey, btw :secret: This isn't the true or false thread. :wave: *
Thanks for reminding me to throw out the pimento cheese! ;)

Do you like pimento cheese?
*Monkey, btw This isn't the true or false thread.*

Thanks darlin'. All these threads tend to blend together in my mind after a while, and I forget which is which.

Do you like pimento cheese?

When I was a kid I LOVED pimento cheese. But after I learned that American cheese isn't really cheese, I sort of stopped eating it.

Do you like blue cheese?
Thanks for reminding me to throw out the pimento cheese! ;)

Thanks darlin'. All these threads tend to blend together in my mind after a while, and I forget which is which.

No problem.....anytime! :yo:

Do you like pimento cheese?

Eh...I can take it or leave it.

When is the last time you had cheese and crackers?

Dang it beat me.
No, I don't really care for blue cheese.

When was the last time you had cheese and crackers?
too long ago

When was the last time you had Spam (the food, not the email)
too long ago

When was the last time you had Spam (the food, not the email)

Maybe 1971. Not sure the exact year. Somewhere around there when a friend and I tried to do a section of the Appalachian trail near Baxter State Park.

Multipart questions: Do you cook rice, and if so, do you use short-grain (Japanese), long-grain, basmatti, par-boiled, converted, perverted, etc.?
I barely cook rice, but when I do it's long grain perverted.

What was the last freebie you signed up for?