So What's The Deal????? **another game**

I like almost all vegis. I guess right now my favorite would be corn on the cob. White corn is the best!

What is your favorite fruit?
Bing cherries or Granny Smith apples

When's the last time you had homemade apple pie?
It's been over 5 years, since I made one. (or eaten any)

Does the ice cream truck go through your neighborhood? (with the song playing on the microphone) He just went through our neighborhood today!
Yes..I am just as excited as the kids!! :o

Do you still run out to the ice cream truck? :)
Of course.....I go along with my son and buy him ice cream :) .

What is your favorite ice cream from the ice cream truck?
I like the Good Humor Chocolate Crunch...the chocolate version of your favorite :rofl:

Does the ice cream truck come through your neighborhood daily?
No, but it doesn't matter because I went to the store and bought a whole box of my favorite!! :)

How old are your kids?
I have three boys and they are 13, 11, & 7..:34:

Are you planning on having more kids?
OHHHHH NOOOOOO....2 is enuff for me plus they are almost grown........although i do love kids :). I will just enjoy everyone else's babies and kids.

Do your children attend public schools?
They do and it's a really good school..We moved out of the zone for their schools and I just drove them to school everyday because I didn't want them to change. :)

Are your kids bus riders?
15 minute drive, so not too bad.

Was the school you went to as a child in the same district in which you lived?
No, I wish! * I went to the same high school as my grandpa though! His class was the first set to graduate from there!! :proud: *

Did you go to or are attending college?
Went to three times. Graduated culinary school about five (maybe four) years ago.

Are you afraid of something irrational?
Honey, that's my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you lived in more than 2 different states?
Yes. South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia.

What was your major in college? (I am currently in college and my major is Speech Language Pathology)
My major is science based, but I'm not sure yet which exact direction that will take......

Was there something you always wanted to be when you were little? (mine was a teacher...)