So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Hey y'all - this is "What's the deal?" not "This or That"

I like some of the old movies - but only to see the original Hollywood glam.

With forrest fires on the brain - what would you take with you if you had to evacuate your house?
I know I'd want to take some pictures, and we do have a firebox with some stuff....

What is the last thing you ate?
Spiderman 3 - first movie in the theater in 3 years!!!!!

do you get popcorn at the movies?
Only ones with pictures...:p

Do you read stories to anyone?
I read to my seven year old.

Do you have a lot of kids books in your home?
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Not anymore......cause my kids are older but beginning to collect children's books again for my profession.

Do you collect disney movies?
No, well not yet anyway......

Do you ever dream about former boy/girl friends?
I make my own a lot of the time...

Do you make birthday cakes or buy them from the store?
Yes - but I have only had one....and it wasnt really a surprise...

do you like for the wait staff at a resturant to sing Happy B-day to you?