So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Gave it to Goodwill a couple weeks ago. What size is your biggest TV?
5 ( One is a small portable and one is an old black and white)

How many DVD players do you have in your house?
well, an Xbox and an Xbox 360 which both play DVDs and an actual DVD player.

How about CD players? I dont have one beyond the machines mentioned above. Im all digital, baby!
We have 2, I think. (not including the PS2,etc.)

Do you own a lot of CD's?
Only ~12 or 15 of them. Only the ones that I like enough to want the liner notes. I have about 400GB of music so I dont really need CDs. After I ripped my collection I sold them on ebay.

How many DVDs do you own?

What is the most common genre of movies that you own? (comedies, dramas, myster, action, ?)

Are there any Disney movies that you do not own?
Hmm, lets see.. one... two... three... four... ok, I only one. Robin Hood. Its one of my top three favorite movies of all time.

Do you prefer to see a movie at home rather than in the theater?
I like the theater screen, but not all the rude people and the "stickiness". So, I guess the answer is at home.

Do you eat only healthy popcorn?
No, at the $2 theater here, they have all you can eat popcorn and you put your own butter so my hubby always goes overboard.

What is the last movie you watched?
I've only been to one and that was jack Johnson!!

What is the last cd you bought?
This will date me, but a "Beatles Hits" cd

What was the last dvd you bought?
Power 90- buns and thighs (exercise dvd)

What is the last thing you drank?

what brand prune juice do you buy?