So What's The Deal????? **another game**

At home taking care of Amber.

Where were you during the Simpson/Bronco chase?
I love pancakes. My husband made them for me almost everyday when I was pregnant. Mmmmmmmmmmm....:druel:

Do you ever eat breakfast for dinner?
Don't think I have

What kind of shoes have you worn today? (tennis shoes, heels, etc)
I put flip flops on to take the dogs out, but now I am barefoot.

*Breakfast in bed is great! When you are done, you can just roll over and go back to sleep"

Do you ever spend a whole day in your pjs?
Not usually, probably because it reminds me too much of when my kids were babies. My oldest one was really caulicky. :verysad:

Do you wear makeup every day?
No, but I've been tempted.

Do you ever go outside in your bathrobe or PJs to get the mail?
yes, but we live out in the country and don't have many neighbors :wave:

Do you color or highlight your hair?
I have highlights

Do you get your hair trimmed right when you're supposed to or put it off too long?
No! I have way too much to even attempt that!

Do you do your hair everyday?
nope-sometimes just a ponytail works (like today)

What's your favorite Christmas song?
Never have, but I might this year

What color shirt are you wearing at the moment?
Bright Yellow with a Purple jacket:tongue:

Have you ever worn bell bottom jeans?

did you own a pair of platform shoes with the goldfish in the bottom