So What's The Deal????? **another game**

SharonL said:
Jack Nicholson ( welcome to Spoofee, sampler :welcome: )

Whos your favorite bad guy? :evil:

Jeremy Piven...he was real mean to Vince Vaughn in Old School. :tongue:

Who is your favorite villian in a movie?
Freddy Krueger.....He has the best one-liners!

Who is your favorite hero in a movie?
Rocky Balboa is my favorite, but not sure if he's a hero- he's my hero anyway (and I LOVE Drago!!)

Did you watch the Rocky movies?
I might have seen the first two or three.

What's our all-time favorite movie (or movies if it's too hard to decide)?
Hard to say.....on the top of my list would be "World According to Garp", "What Dreams may come", Edgar Allen Poe/Vincent Price movies - tell tale heart, etc., Hitchcock......I really don't do movies much...oh, and "Bringing out the Dead" (very funny)

Where is your preference to sit in a movie theater??
A seat. :clown: Usually somewhere in the middlish top section on the aisle so I can run out with Charzilla when she has to fake going to the bathroom.

What's your favorite TV show(s)?
:hmm: Currently....Desperate Housewives, Boston Legal....can't think of much more.....I'm ususally busy...:confused:

How many TV's are in your home & what sizes?
Yup. Just to watch some old Barney tapes etc.

When is the last time you played a cassette tape and what was it?

{BTW how can you watch a show with Boston in the title, preco??? ;)}
When I got my car I tried out the tape was Men at Work

Have you ever had your radio stolen out of your car?
Nope, none stolen

*Because it's funny as heck BD....:p .......Now if it were Kentucky Legal....:rolleyes:

What would a show named "Kentucky Legal" be about?

A lawsuit against the Kentucky Fried Chicken Fast Food Chain:tongue:

Do you eat much fast food?
way too much especially mickey d's breakfast- yummy

what's your favorite item from a fast food chain?
McDonald's sausage biscuits

Have you bought any Halloween candy yet?
Only Candy Corn, LOVE that stuff

Do you have you or your kids costume yet?
Yup, Amber changed her mind so we had to get a new one.

Do you scare the trick-or-treaters that come by your house?
Sure, but that's only because I alternate between my preco and JMB masks when I answer the door. :tongue: :tongue:

What costume(s) are you and/or your kids wearing this year?
I'm not going to dress up now. :( Both parties were canceld

Have you gone to any haunted houses yet?
Do my kid's rooms count? ;) Nope. Not until I go to Disney in a week and a half. :eek:

What's your favorite candy (or top 3)?