So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Yea, I'm still living in the 80's...not :rolleyes:

Do you watch Jimmy Kimmel?
not on purpose. however, when i was pregnant, i watched a lot of that stuff-- terrible insomnia!

do you watch daytime talk shows?
I don't usually watch any tv during the day. I like some of the shows every now and then though.

Who's your fav day time talk show personality? (Ellen, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Tyra, etc.)
I used to like that show;

Did/Do you like Wheel of Fortune?
i love it- i would so kick butt at that game...

have you ever been on a game show?
No but am aiming for Fear Factor as soon as I get a "t.v." body

If you could go on one game show, what would it be?
Amazing Race...I would love to travel and compete. My husband and I would do really well, but it's hard to leave 3 kids behind for more than a month.

Same question to someone else...if you could be on a Reality Show, which would you pick and why?!?!?
america's next top model... cuz i think the next top model should be 5'4 and almost 32! LOL LOL LOL
but seriously, those girls get to travel to the COOLEST places and wear great clothes! and i'm mature enough to deal with the drama- i'd probably be the referee (since that's my number one job at home it seems sometimes!)

do you think some reality tv is staged? which show(s)?
Well I don't know about staged. Let's take my fav Fear Factor for instance. They combine people that they know will cause conflict w/ one another. I don't know if anyone watches the show but they had couples on there once. The couples bickered amongst themselves and w/ the other couples. Best episode ever.It makes for better t.v.
*wow that was long winded:tongue: *

Do you think there is a specific classification for reality t.v. contestants?
yes, stupid

*I know I'll get grief for that one*

Do you procrastinate on really important stuff?
precocious said:
yes, stupid

*I know I'll get grief for that one*

Do you procrastinate on really important stuff?
Crap I am going to have to dummy it down to get on FF. :(
Thanks Preco! I can always count on you for an upper!
*take that how you want* ;):rolleyes:
yes i procrastinate. but i'm good at it, and mama always told me to find what i'm good at and do it!

do you plan big bday parties for your kid/s or just wing it?
a bit of between this disaster, I am throwing a b'day party for about 60 or so my home :rolleyes:...lots of kids, obnoxious ones, may I add....:rolleyes:

Do you constantly feel overwhelmed?
not constantly, but definitely more than 75% of the time. that's why i go to bed at 7pm about once a month and don't get up til 6 the next day!

how do you deal with overwhelming stress?
I don't usualy get stressed but when I do I go to my room and take 10 deep breaths and I'm all better

Have you ever had to take a pill for anxiety?