
ok, until now, as the Sox are losing!:(

:verysad: Orrys:questionmark:
I appreciate your sympathy:(

hatts htaw fiendsr rea ofr:questionmark:
thats what friends are for

ouy het steb, edbe! odgo htign. lepsye. (where are my freakin smileys??)
you the best, dbee! Good thing. sleepy.

dogo orgninm:questionmark:
you the best, dbee! Good NIGHT!!!!!!!! sleepy! (you silly girl)

good morning

edne foecfe
LOL LOL Deb! :tongue:

I left you a pm, dbee!

reA ouy otw epingke :secret: :questionmark: LOL
are you two keeping :secret:

on :secret:s hree:questionmark:
have a great day everybody

wwwawww, hankt ouy, ouy oto!!!!!!!!
awwwwww...thank you you too!

I hsuold og kpic pu ym drnelichr mrof lochso...rtlae!
I should go pick up my children from school.....later!

ym FB wuodl ikel ot og uot rof innerd:questionmark:
so, what did you eat?

petrelsz, ew dindt og uot:questionmark:
oh sorry, are you still hungry:hungry:

on, I dah oubta 3 uopnds of eptrzles:questionmark: