Rep game Closed. - The Sequel

goods morning got 10 of you
227462205 next........
My internet was down for the past week and a half:sad: Verizon messed up and disconnected it and it took that long to get it back again, 1 day to shut it off and FOREVER to turn it back on. Oh well got 3 free months, a free wireless router, and discounted price for life from them for the inconvenience:) Managed to get a few of you as well as several randoms
:clap::welcome:back Taz!!! I got 5 of you today!!!:)
:lol::yesnod:I got 5 of you today!!!:peace:
10 again!

:glasses::creep:I had to search, but i got 8 of you!!!:)
I got 7 or 8 in today (kind of lost count)...but still couldn't hug any of you here.

Well, :hug: :hug: :hug: to you all anyway!!!