arty::dancing2:arty::dancing2:arty:Welcome to the 200 club bigdaddy!
Reputation: 201593
:beercheer: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:Banane57:
appleintwist is next at 198,303 with smidge1 nipping at her heels at 196,866.
I am blocked out until tonight or tomorrow am. who is going to push them over:questionmark:
:toetap05::toetap05::toetap05::toetap05::toetap05:I got 4 more :hugs: out there
I tried to get Taz into the 200,000's, but :hugs: him the other day :sad:
:wave: :kiss:
taz is over 200,000. think precocious whipped :whoo: him over:whip: workin' my magic :kissing: :wink:
taz is over 200,000. think precocious whipped :whoo: him over
taz is over 200,000.