Rep game Closed. 4-months, 4 days old

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8 :hugs: here and 2 on another thread.:wave::hello::brick::rofl:
Dbee you just hit 11 million 2 days ago and you are already knocking on the door of 12 million. Could it be 20 million by New Years?
:noidea: I got about 6 and was told I'm done :rant::motz::rant::motz:

:faint: I just got 2 more :faint2:

Sorry about the message I left Bird by mistake :noidea:

:scared: 2 more :eek:
10 weekend celebration hugs
just finished my repping for the day! :clap:
fyi, if it looks like the message was purposely left for you, then it was. If it doesn't appear that way, accept the hug anyway and run like a banshee.
:zzz: sleepy Sunday morning :hugs:

:bawling: I got nothing yesterday - no :heart: at all :sad:

I did send 10 again today, I hope everyone :tee: has a great relaxing day today :marchmellow:
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