Rep game Closed. 4-months, 4 days old

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WOW Apple,D:willy:,tutz are all in the 10 MILLION CLUB :whoo: SPEACH SPEACH

:hail: Apple,dbee,tutz :cheers2:


what is a speach (a peach with attitude)? how about a speech tee hee.
Gave most of my hugs here today. Pushed Apple over 10 million and I think maybe Tutz over 10 million also

i think you pushed me too, TAZ...when i checked in this am only D:willy:
was at 10MM... you guys having problems seeing smilies???
all i see are grey boxes with red x's in them...i am not alone.
see the trouble thread. thanks to all for the good wishes
I got my 10 :teeth:

What's up with all the smilies not showing:questionmark:

:hail: Thank you guys for all the :hugs: and congrats to all those that reached another milestone :party::grouphug:
:grouphug: most of my smilies are back...some seem to be stuck in type mode...
like :woot: that one that seems to be stuck in type land that was in a lot of posts from yesterday.:sad::wink::wink:
:grouphug: most of my smilies are back...some seem to be stuck in type mode...
like :woot: that one that seems to be stuck in type land that was in a lot of posts from yesterday.:sad::wink::wink:

guess again...all I see are those red boxes on your last post. YOU can see them, but we can't! WHAA!!!
same here all i see are ?'s, i can also see the light at the end of the tunnel and it is pretty bright who is it going to be i will pay they dearly to do come on i dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!! what are we all chicken or what. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Somebody Please give Madonna a nudge,I'm still in handcuffs and can't, it won't take much. :o)
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