Receive a coupon for a full size box of Weight Watchers cereal !!

Thank you.
Have Breakfast on Us - Get your coupon for a free box!

Thank you, for showing interest in Weight Watchers Cereals.
Your coupon will be in the mail right away!
did anyone see this?

Your coupon will be in the mail right away! Offer limited to one per household. Coupons only available to residents in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania
I requested one and I received a confirmation email stating I would be getting my coupon in the mail soon.
Then...the bottom of the email stated:

Offer limited to one per household. Coupons only available to residents
in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

...I'm not in either of those states so I hope it comes.
thanks for the post
Thanks for the help mirancat- just hope it comes...:)
angie55362 said:
did anyone see this?

Your coupon will be in the mail right away! Offer limited to one per household. Coupons only available to residents in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania

I got the same thing. Guess I will not be getting a free box!
:eek: Um... did anyone else see this part???

Coupons only available to residents in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. :thumbs_do
Thank you, Erik Edmonds, for showing interest in Weight Watchers Cereals.
Limited to Wisconsin and Pennsylvania

Offer limited to one per household. Coupons only available to residents in
Wisconsin and Pennsylvania!
I got this email today. No mention of state restrictions.

Thank you, ******, for showing interest in Weight Watchers Cereals. Your coupon will be in the mail right away! Please contact us if you have any questions by replying to this email or by clicking on the Contact Us tab on our homepage. We appreciate your business. All of the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. We will not provide anyone outside of our organization with any of your information.
Offer limited to one per household.
Coupons only available to residents in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
Valid for Wisconsin and Pennsylvania

Went through the registration, then after they got the mailing address and other items, the reply said the coupon is valid only in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. What a deceptive way of obtaining customer information.
THis is true, I'll be avoiding weight
sorry members! - HATE that fine print!

I'll be more careful next time, promise! :(
ladymez said:
I'll be more careful next time, promise! :(
Not a problem ladymez. Spoofee members are here to help each other out! :)