Radio Shack - Axion 3.6" Personal DVD Player for Free + Make $18 After Rebate

but most stores don't have the dvd player with xxxxxxxxx09687 UPC code... at least not the ones near mine...
fir2 said:
This is really bo--ooo--oooo--gus! Just a total waste of time. The original poster should be spoofee-pillaried! The very first reabate made clear it's not combinable with any other offer. The store is completely within it's rights not to honor the first and second rebates. It should never have been posted.

:o Ummmm....But the original poster was :spoofee: . I don't think we would have without :spoofee: . I don't want him going anywhere. :confused:
radio shack rebates

v8volvo said:

Axion LMD5369 3.6" has 2 different UPC codes, SKU is the same. in order to get both rebates you need the right UPC, the one on BOTH rebates!

I lucked out, the store had one of each so I got the "right' one ! :-D

radio shack will print out only one rebate form for $65, i dont know who gave out info about 2nd rebate. :eek:
Expired Now Anyway

Well, It should be marked expired now anyway LoL.
The $65 rebate says it had to be purchased on 12/23.
I also contacted the rebate center, I however was told it was a big maybe on getting paid for both. Personally I am considering getting my credit card company involved and hopefully getting them to do a reverse charge.
Called The Corporate Office- Answer Is "NO!"

Almost everyone in the rebate center will tell you that they
will honor both rebates. I called the Radio Shack Corporate headquarters and they told me in very strong terms that the reabte center is a 3rd party with no authorization to give double rebates and I will NOT get both rebates.
Why don't the Corporate Headquarters order the Rebate Center to tell you the truth?
I am contacting BBB and my local State Consumer Complaint Center for deceptive practices.
Both the Corprate Headquarters and the Rebate Center
should work in unison, but they are doing this on purpose
to milk you out. If we all complaint, they will honor all rebates. It was supposed to be a special 1 day deal, right?
Look at the Radio Shack website, you see the same dvd player for $99 minus $30 rebate. Almost same deal.
:mad: :thumbs_do
Dedicated website for this rebate issue

I couldn't take it anymore after seeing so many people getting burned on Christmas Eve. If you are involved in this I invite you to participate on this site / forum.

I got both my rebates, thanks for a free dvd player and 18 bucks spoofee!!!? How bout the rest of you all?