Pet dilemma.....

The pot bellied pig is the best idea. If it doesn't work out, you got BACON!
Sunday is the big day....he doesn't know it yet, but we have plans for the pet store.....:madgrin:

If you don't want to go the fish route, you could look into a ferret. I think they can be litter box trained as well. The only drawbacks are they are little thieves. They like shinny objects.
We have 2 dogs, a cat that comes and goes, a very mean guard duck and an even meaner fighting rooster. We don't fight him. We just have him because he was given to my son with hopes he would be into fighting roosters. Which, I'm glad, he wasn't.
Whatever you get, I'm sure he'll love it. I like the fish idea because he can customize the tank, pick out cool fish he really likes. And the tanks don't have to be cleaned much if you have algae eaters and filters.
Personally, I like the pet rock dosent eat or poop, and after the initial cost, thats it!
Yes, I'm interested in knowing which pet you chose to get him! ;)

I use the option of something that is to be left in a cage!

Flying squirrels are cool, they only come out at night too.

Turtles, die to easy, fish would be good, if it's a fresh water and stick with goldfish or the varieties, like those bug eyed ones!

Reptiles don't bo bo too much, not like rabbits, anyway.

Adoption is always a great idea, and if you get it at the Humane Society, all the work is already done. Shots, spayed, most of time they are older, just getting used to the other animals and noises in the house.

Wishing you the best of luck on your quest.
We got "Gibby"....will try to post a pic in a bit.....


Meet Gibby! :)
I hope the flash is responsible for Gibby's red eyes. :reddevil:
OMG! It's a giant, evil guinea pig!
Run for your lives!
Where is a Peruvian Pan Flute Band when you need one?
I had one that looked exactly like that when I was little! It was a sweet little guinea pig...
Thanks Blue, he is sweet, he kinda grows on son is thrilled, he loves when he holds him and he squeaks for him...... He has a nice disposition too, he doesn't try to run away nor has he attempted to nor bitten (which is always a good sign).
Thanks Blue, he is sweet, he kinda grows on son is thrilled, he loves when he holds him and he squeaks for him...... He has a nice disposition too, he doesn't try to run away nor has he attempted to nor bitten (which is always a good sign).

But what about his red eyes??? That's not a good sign. :tongue: