Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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Did you know that ~ Venus rotates in the opposite direction from the other planets?
anybody have a pair of hands I can have to replace mine????? :mmph: (preferrably unattached to anything/one)
I just heard a political commercial........:thinking:...Costco now accepts food stamps? :suspicious:

How can that person afford the membership fee?:confused: Just sounds odd.... :hmmmm:
:motz: Are you trying to start some trouble :shhh:

I purr in your general direction.
:noidea: Why is it great to have the house to yourself, but lonely when the other person is gone?

:thefinger: Just kidding................:kiss: I love it! :cheers:

:noidea: why does Mad oona still have poop on her fb page? :yuck::puke:
I tried to quote dbee and leave a brief message and this is what I got...
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How rude!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl:
Last Activity: Today 02:52 AM
Today's Top Poster(s): creddybears (118)

How does she do this in less than 3 hours :questionmark:
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