Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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I miss Meijer's.......
I have the flu :(

Feel better soon Babsy......

You can have ours...its the highest priced, crappest ran place in town!!!:mmph:

Sorry to hear that. I went to the one in my hometown a few months back - they re-did it and it is really nice - Target-like.

Unless we go into the big city all we have is Walmart - which has the lowest prices and crappy service!
Why are there only "daytimers" - why dont they make "nighttimers" for those who work at night?

:rofl: go back, or did they make you leave? LOL
:rofl: go back, or did they make you leave? LOL
who are you talking too? I dont know what you are talking about? You must have me confused with someone else... :theyareon
This is the second time I found a baby bird in my pool's filter. :mmph:
I think I need to go talk to my neighbors. I can see the nest in the gutter.
who are you talking too? I dont know what you are talking about? You must have me confused with someone else... :theyareon

:rofl: denial :eek: denial :28:
Yeah, that's what I mean....who would want that? I can't believe a child would steal over 20 codes. Amber has 6 and I don't know how she keeps up w/ them all.

I'd almost bet that it wasn't the child that did the stealing but a parent. There is some real scummy people out there and they unfortunately are having children and teaching them how to cheat and steal by their actions! LOL...stepping down from my soap box now. It really riles me I've seen first hand what kind of kids these people end up with, my oldest sister taught her daughter well and its a real shame. Now she just doesn't know why :hmmmm2:her daughter is the way she is. Geez I wonder.
I'd almost bet that it wasn't the child that did the stealing but a parent. There is some real scummy people out there and they unfortunately are having children and teaching them how to cheat and steal by their actions! LOL...stepping down from my soap box now. It really riles me I've seen first hand what kind of kids these people end up with, my oldest sister taught her daughter well and its a real shame. Now she just doesn't know why :hmmmm2:her daughter is the way she is. Geez I wonder.

Sorry to hear about the family stuff. It is a bummer when you see parents openly teaching their kids to be bad.

I had no idea that so many adults are playing w/ these Webkinz. When Amber had her birthday party recently half of the girls were saying that their parents have several of them. Sure, I've played under Amber's name, but I wouldn't go as far as to get my own. To each is own I guess! :tongue:
Educate me....what is a Webkinz? :noidea:
Ah, the Webkinz....

Educate me....what is a Webkinz? :noidea:

How have you managed to escape this moneypit, er, trend?!!

Webkinz are sweet little kid-sized stuffed animals that have a tag on them with a unique code. You buy the animal of your choice and go online to Webkinz.com to register your code and then your child also has a virtual version of the same animal. Say if he bought a bear, online he has the same virtual bear that he now must care for by playing different learning games to earn "Kinzcash". With Kinzcash, his online funds, he "purchases" food for his animal. You also have a room online for your animal and you purchase decorative items, a bed, toys of your choice. It's all very clever and it does seem to evolve nicely with age~my daughter started out playing games to earn her Kinzcash and as she gets older she likes to do the math quizzes and other jobs to earn her "cash" and doesn't even realize she is learning as she goes!!

So for the sake of a $10- $12 investment they have an actual toy and entire virtual world to play in. But let me just warn you, it never ends with one animal~you'll have ten before you know it!! (They are the hit birthday gift!!)
How have you managed to escape this moneypit, er, trend?!!

Webkinz are sweet little kid-sized stuffed animals that have a tag on them with a unique code. You buy the animal of your choice and go online to Webkinz.com to register your code and then your child also has a virtual version of the same animal. Say if he bought a bear, online he has the same virtual bear that he now must care for by playing different learning games to earn "Kinzcash". With Kinzcash, his online funds, he "purchases" food for his animal. You also have a room online for your animal and you purchase decorative items, a bed, toys of your choice. It's all very clever and it does seem to evolve nicely with age~my daughter started out playing games to earn her Kinzcash and as she gets older she likes to do the math quizzes and other jobs to earn her "cash" and doesn't even realize she is learning as she goes!!

So for the sake of a $10- $12 investment they have an actual toy and entire virtual world to play in. But let me just warn you, it never ends with one animal~you'll have ten before you know it!! (They are the hit birthday gift!!)
Wow....thank God for Spiderman....lol

Kadin is only 4 so maybe he isnt aware of it yet. Although I like the idea of the quizzes......
I am shopping for Christmas decorations....lol....
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