Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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faerie, i understand how you feel. when you're a kid, having friends is easy. as an adult, we put so many restrictions on what friends can and can't be or do. i think the best thing is to just know that even your spoofee "friends" are here for you. i know that there are a couple people even here who i could talk to if i needed to vent. i need friends who are low maintenance b/c having a family takes so much of my time. unfortunately, high maintenance people are the ones who have an easier time keeping friends b/c they are always begging for attention.

i don't know if i'm making sense. but it's late afternoon. i'm tired. and i have a load of homework due before midnight so i'd better get on it.

keep your chin up. and pm me if you need anything :hug:
Mainegal's avatar is making me hungary...........
Hi, All, home for the weekend, then back to work for another 3 week stint.
thanks, did I miss anything exciting?
I am glad that you had a good time, Babs! :) Did you do a lot of :dancing:
Went to the costume party. It was pretty fun. But no friends came with us. :(

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