Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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Ohh I don't miss those days. :tongue:

:mmph: I hate having to wear contacts....

It's like he knows!!!!! We just converted his crib a couple weeks ago. We tried to do it month's ago but he said he was scared! Bless his heart, the good thing was that even as tall as he is - he never tried to climb out!
Yesterday I woke up because the bottom of my comforter was flipping up. He was laying on the floor beside me with his pillow and blankie giggling. That was great - of course it was like after 9 am.......

My husband just ripped one of his contacts the other day so we had to order some.....and all he has been saying is "I hate wearing my glasses!"
Aw...what a cutie!!! Amber will still come into my room, sit on my bed and stare at me til I wake up. I don't know why, but she thinks it's hilarious. Goofy girl!!

Well I certainly hate wearing my glasses even more. I had to wear them to school the other night because my contacts kept fogging up on me. I NEVER wear my glasses out in public...school especially. My eyes look soooooooooo squinty when I wear them. My instructor told me I looked stoned. :noidea: All I could do was laugh and tell her I don't do that.
Our anniversary was on Friday. 11 years. We got to go away for the night. The first time away since our honeymoon 11 years ago.
Our anniversary was on Friday. 11 years. We got to go away for the night. The first time away since our honeymoon 11 years ago.

Congratulations to you Faerie. My husband and I celebrated our 11 year anniversary on May 25th.
What a nightmare!

I had to go thru my bulk folder to see if the e-mail I was expecting was accidently dropped in there (it was). So I have almost 7000 in there, I hardly ever pay attention to the number and on occasion empty it.

So I started at the front somewhere around 2038....and I was selecting all and deleting - that grew tiring....so I went to last and started in 1904 and quickly got to 2007. I was just hitting "previous" until I got to today's date.

I would catch a glimpse of some of the subject lines and they are interesting.....attention to me with my maiden name and old phone numbers or addresses.....but the one that was the funniest to me was "Kara, don't be afraid to be bald when you can be beautiful"

I would catch a glimpse of some of the subject lines and they are interesting.....attention to me with my maiden name and old phone numbers or addresses.....but the one that was the funniest to me was "Kara, don't be afraid to be bald when you can be beautiful"


I heard Brittany got that same email...:rofl:...only she fell for it! :eek:

"Brittany, don't be afraid to be bald when you can be beautiful"
good one! :bigok:
I got 438/450 points possible for my energy based massage class.
I forgot to turn in a practice form and I got 2 questions wrong on my final. :doh:
Congrats to all who have happy news to share (Faerie, Cam, CMCB, etc.)!
I also have good news! I have a new Water Dragon, a new Emerald Swift, and four new geckos!

Well, its good news to me!
CMCB??? I sound like a country music station. :sus: :tongue:
Thanks, Spaz!!

Hey congrats, Squiddy!! Post some pics....reminds me...I never posted a pic of my new tattoo. :doh:
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