(NOT VALID) Full-size Apron/Pizza Cutter/Other Swag from Prestos Pizza - Facebook

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thanks I will go UNLIKE them now! They also have linked a FREE olive oil sprayer to there page:

I already did that too! I asked if they were sure they didn't have a pizza cutter to send me!! :rofl: to lighten the mood! The guy I spoke to said if they had some they are a small operation and no way could afford to send out 20,000 pizza cutters! I asked how he came to that number, and he said they are getting over 250 calls per day about various FB offers, and that this has been going on for several months. He figured most don't even take the time to call so figured at least 20k people requested something from that spam site!
Sorry Y'all! Its a scam! I called the real Presto's Pizza & they've been trying to have this FB Page taken down to no avail!

yes I wrote on there wall and commented on a post regarding this issue!

Free apron on Prestos Pizza
Sorry this offer is no good, they had a pizza cutter right before the apron.
Free Apron From Prestos Pizza!

All you have to do is like their facebook page here : hxxps://www.facebook.com/PrestosPizza/app_128953167177144

Then you have to enter your address :)
If you want the matching kitchen glove, you have to post about the free offer on any forum or website!
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Sorry Missame33. This offer isn't any good. They are just spammers looking to get your information.
Prestos Pizza Pasta Server/Fork


Go to their facebook page to request your own Prestos Pizza Server/Fork.
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Go to their facebook page to request your own Prestos Pizza Server/Fork.

I'm just making a wild guess here that the server/fork won't be coming either.

Go to their facebook page to request your own Prestos Pizza Server/Fork.

No it's a FAKE SITE,, I verified this a while back by lookingup the REAL Presto's Pizza and calling them at their. REAL # 201-861-2000
can we seal this puppy up then? Put the ole' Spaz barricade across the margins?
Free pasta server from Prestos Pizza - Facebook - Ends 9/11

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Now, I've heard of Human Zombies... But, "Freebie" Zombies?? :yikes: This spam offer just won't die! :pound:
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