Nominate a Spoofee Member....

The Comedian--Butty, Preco, & K-ma
The Cynic--LiveSquid & Digriz
The Professor--LiveSquid & DanC
The U.N.Peacemaker--SharonL
The Harvard Debator--Preco
The Graphics Artist--Babs
Mr. or Ms. Congeniality--Bluesky & Preco
The News Reporter--Mr. Spoofee
The Great Deals Archaeologist--Muff & Jellybean
The Computer Specialist--Spaz
"You like me. You really like me"

or "If nomiated I will not run. If elected I will not serve"


If I win - I will take some of my Nigerian or U.K. lottery winnings - charter a jet for everyone and fly us all to New Orleans so we can recreate LiveSquid's night of debauchery on Bourbon (my favorite drink) Street.:bigok:

Do we get a bag of peanuts or pretzels to eat on the way?!?! I don't go anywhere that I don't EAT!!!!!!:) Here we come Squid, get the ice cubes made up!!!!!!!!!!
Psssttt! Ummmm, what else you got to put in that lemonade?!?!? ;) :wave:

:05: would ya like a glass?? :05:

i also failed to mention my vote for best beer sucker through a straw award :zip:
Clubby needs a nomination for UN peacemaker- she always likes to keep the peace....(and of course you win the lemonade category, clubby!:tongue: )

Oh, and eabu is good with computers and always helps people with those problems so he should be included with spaz in that category. :bigok:
The Comedian...Lord Tunaki

The Cynic...LS and digriz (you guys can take home the two-headed oscar)

The sole sista (even though her grammar and typos leave me cringing at times :p)

The U.N.Peacemaker...Rags

The Graphics Artist...spoofee12

Mr. or Ms Congeniality...bluesky (except for the gum incident)

The News spoofee

The Great Deals Archaeologist...babs

The Computer Specialist... spaz

The Practical Joker... my coastal twin (for the big one a year or so ago- had us all scratching our heads!)

And, I vote for myself as the official lemonade "mixer" ;)

Honey, keep pouring the lemonade and you won't notice the grammar nor typos ;) and you won't be caring none neither ! :p

Sole sis, I've been needing a tall one...:05:...join me..:cocktail: :cocktail:
Oh, and eabu is good with computers and always helps people with those problems so he should be included with spaz in that category. :bigok:

thanks, bluesky! :o