New Parents Pack From Johnson and Johnson (Call In)

Thank you very much Maryb, that was very simple.
Thanks, this is so awesome, It says I will get within the nexy 2 weeks! Great Post:claps:
Thank you for calling Johnsons Baby, bye bye.....

thanks for the post!
Awesome , I got mine today:claps:

1oz johnsons baby lotion
0.3 oz aveeno baby sunblock, Neutrogena Moisture shine sample (foil),
4 Stayfree pads w/ carefree freshness cloths,Neutrogena 3-in-1 concealer sample (foil),3 neutrogena microderm cleansing pads, coupons 1.00 off any johnsons product exp12/31/10 3.00 off any rebrandt exp 12/31/08 1.00 off any rembrandt exp 12/31/08

So cool, Thanks again for the post!!!!:teeth:
Awesome , I got mine today:claps:

1oz johnsons baby lotion
0.3 oz aveeno baby sunblock, Neutrogena Moisture shine sample (foil),
4 Stayfree pads w/ carefree freshness cloths,Neutrogena 3-in-1 concealer sample (foil),3 neutrogena microderm cleansing pads, coupons 1.00 off any johnsons product exp12/31/10 3.00 off any rebrandt exp 12/31/08 1.00 off any rembrandt exp 12/31/08

So cool, Thanks again for the post!!!!:teeth:

:claps: Congrats, Pretty! Received mine too--great post!!! :bigok: Thank you, Muff! :)
Now I just gotta get knocked -up! lol, JUST JOKING
I got mine today :) It was fast, and I'd forgotten about it, so it was a nice surprise! Great samples & coupons!