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Craig D.T. Dahlin
Market Reader Pro™
thanks, gave this a shot for my dh :)

This may be a dumb question, but what does dh stand for? I am thinking Darling Husband, I usually just call mine hubby but heck, if I get an abbreviation for him, that would be so much easier, LOL

Oh YEAH, thanks Joyce, I signed him up
i was wondering the same thing...
dear hubby? dear husband? Dearest....?:mmph: :convinced:

per the Urban Dictionary:
On on-line discussion groups, abbreviation for "dear hubby." Less common: "dear husband," "dearest h*," "darling h*."

Frequent users include SAHMs, Christians; any group with the right combination of insecurity, self-righteousness, and poor education.

Often inexplicably used with an insult, usually cutesy: "my DH is a nice man, but ugly as a shaved kitten." Tends to be near emoticons, LOL and its various permutations, capitalisation-free text, and spelling errors.

Also seen, possibly thanks to the irritation of being referred to as a DH, is XH -- "ex-hubby."
per the Urban Dictionary:

Hmmm, they seem to group people right up in that urban dictionary, seems offending,I wouldn't have included the latter. :noidea: was that supposed to be funny? I didn't find it as such....
I don't really care if you are quoting or not, you do have the option as the typist to disinclude some information.
per the Urban Dictionary:

per MYSELF: :rolleyes:

Women use DH for an obvious reason.

Women talk about their families more than men do, in all kinds of places---at work, at the supermarket, and online.

Online, if you want to mention your husband, and do it on a relatively regular basis, your choices are pretty slim. If you keep saying :05: "my husband, my husband" :05:, you sound like you're Katie Holmes or have time-traveled back to the 1950's.

Not everyone wants to announce their husband's first name to the whole world, plus other people might forget and keep saying, "Who's this David you keep talking about?" (Or, even worse, "wasn't it John last week?!" :doh:).

You could say "hubby" or "my old man" but both sound so dated, pun intended in the case of the old man. "Significant Other" sounds like you're filing a law brief on behalf of legalizing gay marriage. Abbreviated to just "SO", it sounds like you accidentally left out the B at the end.

I guess we could all go the route that one of my post-doc advisors did---she referred to her husband as "my lover" or even "the father of my children"---but the former sounds positively icky and the latter like you're referring to someone you're no longer married to.

DH (ah! nice, sweet DH), on the other hand, is quick and easy to type, has a slightly-ironic-but-in-a-good-way sound to it, and did I mention easy to type?

So unless you have a better suggestion (and especially if you do!!!), monkfish, lay off us women and our DH's!

Oh, and women also like to use smileys. Get over it.

my DD (which of course stands for Dear Drifa), the girl simply asked what was meant by the abbreviation, and AANG that I am (all around nice guy) I copied the definition from urbandictionary. (I have a special place in my heart for students undergoing EHAP, and try to help them with questions.)

if, several months from now, someone else asks about it, I'm likely to do the same again. otherwise, I doubt you'll read other comments from me about the abbreviation.
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