But my understanding is that Christmas itself is celebrated in place of Geol, a Germanic pagan solstice observance, and Saturnalia, a Roman pagan observance.
Exactly. Biblical historians seem to agree that Christ was not likely to have been born on Dec. 25th. Also, since he was middle-eastern, shouldn't we be celebrating during Dec. 25th middle eastern (rather than North American) time anyway? We're usually off by several hours! :tongue:
Christmas itself replaces/absorbs pre-Christian rituals, including the use of Evergreens from the Egyptians, from the Romans and then the Druids; so in fact "holiday" trees, silly as it sounds, might in fact be more accurate than "Christmas" trees. The same goes for Easter, which incorporates pre-Christian symbolism such as bunnies and eggs.
As for Christmas sales that everyone benefits from, etc., it is true that there is a spate of consumerism around the holiday. However, this is likely to be more American than Christian in its character! In many other countries where Christianity is the major religion, children get maybe some candy, a pair of pants and some socks for Christmas, not this extravaganza of gifts that we unleash on our children. We Americans have religious holidays which are celebrated in a strictly consumerist way (like St. Valentine's Day) and non-religious holidays (Presidents' Day, for example) which are also celebrated in a consumerist way.
In other words, I think that if Xmas did not exist for some reason, American retailers would still have massive end-of-year-sales or cabin-fever-sales or what have you to satisfy that *other* great God, Capitalism.
P.S. No, I'm not anti-Christmas trees, anti-Christianity, anti-sales (God forbid!!!) or even anti-Capitalist (I mean, who on a site devoted to shopping/saving would be!)!!!!!!!!! LOL