In A War Between....

Tony Robbins.....just because I want to see someone knock that ponytail off that hyper freak's head. :tongue:

The Quaker oats guy or Wilfred Brimley?
Wilfred would be against the Quaker's religion!

bumble bee and wasp.
As much as I would like Jennifer to win, I bet Angelina would beat her w/ those fish lips of hers.

Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen
Angelina after all, you're talking Laura Croft here

Donald Duck and Daffy Duck

Butty beat me to it!!

Charlie Sheen - Apocalypse Now!

Donald Duck and Daffy Duck
Ohh tough one....Daffy.....because he doesn't have a proper name and it probably angers him. :tongue:

Dang it, Squiddy.........Foghorn....he's bigger!

Trekies and Star Wars they have a nickname??
Pepsi stronger, better taste

Elmo and Oscar the Grouch?
Dora. Boys arent supposed to hit girls. So much for "equality in all things", huh?

Mr Rogers and Mr McFeely?
Mr. McFeely only because Mr. Rogers wouldn't.

Bevis and Butthead
Butheead of course. He always used to kick Beavis's ass

Bart Simpson and OJ Simpson?
OJ....but he'll get off because the 'gloves won't fit'.....:rolleyes:

Osama and OJ?
OJ..He will just find another lawyer to get him off!! :rolleyes:

Mario & Luigi?