I need help....yet again.

Are you suggesting that pirates are made of ice?

I don't think so

It is because pirates drank there rum with no ice.
Now everyone drinks there rum in mixed drinks full of ice. So all the ice is being blended up.
So what are the resualts of this survey? :28:

Whoops! I thought I did that already. :34:
BTW Welcome back, jamun!!

As w/ the first survey the first question were for demographics and I will skip them.

Have you ever received a professional massage?
54.5 % said no and 45.5 % said yes

If yes, how often?
Once, once in a while, once or twice, twice in my life....not nearly enough, twice for back injury, 2-3 x per year and 3 times.

If yes, how was the experience?
Loved it
Similar to a Chiro adjustment. Nice but no lasting effect
the first wasn't good, but the second was excellent!
ohmigod! heaven!
very nice!

If no, what are the reasons?
I Don't like to be touched 35.7%
Availability 14.3%
No need for 14.3%
I feel it may be uncomfortable 28.6%
I am uncertain what to expect 21.4%
Money 64.3%

If massages were offered for very little ($35) money, would you be more likely to get one?
Yes 36.4%
No 22.7%
Maybe, depending on the circumstances 40.9%

Lastly If you were in the market to get a massage and location was the only factor for you, which of these environments would you choose from?
Hospital 13.6%
Sports clinic 18.2%
Gym 22.7%
Spa 59.1%
Home (yours) 31.8%
Home (practitioners) 13.6%
W/n walking distance of other businesses 13.6%
Other (please specify)

FYI I got an extra 10 points for this survey. She loved that I added it.