I had to put my Lab to sleep.

Today is not a great day.I have a 15 year old Yellow Lab and in the last week,he went from being able to eat,drink go outside on his own,wait for us by the bay window,and even bark to warn strangers a big dog lives here.But I think he had a stroke the day before yesterday.He cannot stand up to go outside to do his business and it took two people to life a once 95 pound dog so he could do his business.I had to have him put to sleep.It hurt so much to see him dying,but I did what I felt I had to so his suffering would end.So even though he is my dog,please keep me in your thoughts and prayers,please.
With a very heavy heart~*~*~*~Mrsk:verysad::verysad:

I'm so sorry to hear about this

I can't imagine how hard it is to put your dog to sleep :verysad:

My brother works at a veterinary hospital. I don't think I could ever work at a veterinary hospital because I don't think I can handle putting someone's family member to sleep even if it's for the best.
We had to put our black lab to sleep last year. He was also 15. You know Mrs. K, that's a really long time for a lab to live... you have really been blessed!
I know how sad you feel right now.
Wow..thank you all very much for the kind words.You all mean the world to me just by being here in tough times.Thank you.