Good Smell, Bad Smell

would have to say bad on that one!

Good smell...well I guess it depends on what it is but most smell good.

Sweaty man after work...
Gross....ewww....yuk.....disgusting.....*doing icky dance*.....

:hungry: Good smell:pizza:

car exhaust
:dog: bad smell

good smell if its a candle......

Old English Furniture polish
good smell...I like cleaning solution smells.....

cinnamon raisin bagels.....
Choo, you beat me.....:(

truly wicked foul offending repulsive stench.....(to any part of Dehawk)

cheese = feet = not good

gr8nrg's ear wax LOL
Good smell if it smells like coconut and is in the form of a candle (just stick a wick in it)...
raw, peeled potatoes
ehhhhh, not today, not good.....

cupcakes baking.....(for tomorrow's church thingy)