FREEBIE EXPIRED!!----Lindows 4.5 Developers Edition, FREE

Try at night time, I donwloaded all 3 CD's. (Developers Version, Regular Version, and CD-ROM bootable version). They take about 40 minutes each with a 4000kb Cable modem download speed. When I tried the first time I had problems also, there servers were overloaded from the free deal I bet.

Even though deal is expired you can still download the CD today, as long as you originally signed up before it expired.

They said the deal was for Developers versoin, but you can download the other 2 versions also.

Have not tried lindows out yet, will post when I do.
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hey guys
lucky you, you got free edition :)
i would greatlly appreciate it if someone would post a username and password on the forum (here) so i could get the free version.
Or email it to me at [email protected]
Thanks guys and have a great day