Free Style Your Slim Starter Kit from Slim-Fast--*Pedometer & More*

Hi. I did a search before posting it and nothing came up with this particular offer (style your slim). I don't know what happened. Anyways, thanks for explaining how it works Joyce and others. You always post the best stuff and I was hoping I finally found a great deal to post. You guys are on the ball and find things fast. Thanks!
Thanks! Maybe I'll actually get motivated!
Trimmin' Down in 2008!

My package arrived today - it's great! The coupons, grocery shopping lists, pedometer, and information brochure make a really nice motivation! Free Pyramid Tea (my favorite!) was a huge plus! :claps: :claps: :proud:
I'm a nu b at this; just joined today looking for Regis & Kelly's shoes but no luck. I'm sure I'll like this site.
Thanks Joyce looks like you do alot of the hard work ha!
My package arrived today - it's great! The coupons, grocery shopping lists, pedometer, and information brochure make a really nice motivation! Free Pyramid Tea (my favorite!) was a huge plus! :claps: :claps: :proud:

Got mine today- I'm with you the pyramid tea free coupon was a great plus!
Thank you for the original post, Joyce. I received my kit yesterday. Really nice. I was able to sign my Mom up for one. Thank you again!
Thanks, again, Joyce. The package came yesterday. Hope this works...
Thank you, Joyce! I received my slim-fast package a couple weeks ago.