Free Sample of K'nex Building Blocks for Kids

thankyou and once these come they are MINE :wave:
Thank You, your entry has been submitted.
Please allow up to six weeks for delivery of your free K'NEX sample....
I got my confirmation 5 seconds after I submitted my e-mail.
I'm trying a third time with a third E-mail address. We'll see if anything happens.
I'm trying a third time with a third E-mail address. We'll see if anything happens.
i got an E-mail from them a few hours later and it went through just fine. :)
I just got my confirmation email after signing up this morning! I hope this comes!
free sample K'Nex bricks (kids)

Receive a FREE Sample with Genuine K'NEX Bricks. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.
Limited to one per household while supplies last.
Send us the name of the last brick building set you received, including sets from LEGO ®,MEGA BLOKS ® or any other brick building system, and we'll send you a free K'NEX sample with Genuine K'NEX Bricks
Thank You, your entry has been submitted.
Please allow up to six weeks for delivery of your free K'NEX sample....
Thanks Joyce.:yo:
I received 15 pcs K'NEX bricks today. My DD love the copter. LOL