Free Sample of ID Lubricant

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Please allow 4-6 weeks for your free sample to arrive. More lube for me please?? LOL I love free lube as long as it does not leak before I get it.
You should try KY's Intrigue.. best hands down.
Thank you! I received mine about a month ago.
FREE ID Lubricant sample

Complete the short survey to receive free sample.

Thank you for your interest in ID Lubricants. Your name, address, email, and answers to the questions in this survey are confidential to Westridge Laboratories. Information will not be sold, published, released, submitted, or given away. Free samples are only available to residents in the Contiguous United States, Alaska and Hawaii.
I don't remember but I guess I got this before....
I'm sorry but according to our records you have already submitted a request for a free sample.
Thank you for your interest in ID Lubricants. Your survey submission has been received, and your request for a free sample will be processed with 45 days.

Thank you.
Over 76 months later, I was surprised to see this one come back to the front. It's one of those gifts that just keep on giving.