Free Sample of Escada Sunset Heat Fragrance

what browser are you guys using to get the sample?

it won't work for me in ie 6.0 (i get the loop you are referring to). i opened it up in firefox and it worked perfectly.
It does not work in IE 7 or Netscape 7.1. I get stuck in an endless loop in both browsers.
About the only other thing I could suggest is downloading and installing the latest version of Adobe Flash.
Thanks Spaz, but I do have the most current version. (I am a Flash programmer myself.) :)
That's it! It knows you are a Flash programmer and wants to show you its superiority over the human genome.

I knew the day would come that software would think for itself! Flash is the new MCP.


Oh, and thanks RP for the post.

End of line.
I think that they don't like New Hampshire, it kept dropping my state.......
I did it several times. It worked finally. Just hit enter prompts as fast as possible. Should work by 5 or 6 tries
I've tried this like a dozen times and it keeps redirecting me to the state drop box. Im not going to get my sample.:verysad:
I did it and it worked...after a few tries. I clicked on "Free Sample" at the top, entered my info, like someone else said birthday has to be month then date (18 Jan instead of Jan 18). I selected USA but I kept screwing up on the State and it kept refreshing, but I finally got it right. It asked me a few questions about perfume and clothing, then told me that my sample was on its way and it asked me to refer it to someone else. I just closed the screen after that without referring someone because it told me mine was registered.... :claps:
I finally got it to work! You have to type stuff in and ENTER real fast.
I hope I get one. I luv Escada.
i actually got my sample! it's not half bad. its a single use, foil wrapped postcard. it took WAY more than 2-4 weeks. more like 2 1/2 months! when you open it, you either have to use it or toss it out...the smell doesn't last on the postcard for long.
I tried this again, and was much easier. Requested one for myself and my sister.
I guess I did get it to go thru on 5/20, as I received my sample today. I didn't actually believe it would be on a postcard, but it was.
Thank you , i hope this smells great :wave: :)