FREE sample of BOOST® Kid Essentials Multipack - First 25,000

Got mine today as well. This will be good for my picky little 2 yr old :clap:
Got mine toaday too - it was only 8.99 at the store so should be free for just about everyone at 14.99
looks like everybody and their brother got theirs but from talking to alot of people eveyone's seems to have adifferent expiration date within a few days of each others. kindof odd don't you think?
Mine came today, and the exp. date is 2/22/09. Exp. date probably based on when the order was processed.
I got my coupon and picked it up today, my daughter liked it!
got mine- thank you this will be great when I am out with the kids.
Mine was in yesterdays mail :clap:
Just got the coupon!Value up to $14.99!
Does anyone know where to get these or have a "locate us" link?
I received my coupons in the mail but havent been able to find the product!
Can anyone help?!?!?!?:peace:
if anyone wants my coupon just let me know, that is if anyone can find it. 02/26/09 just pm me, thanks.
I received mine today - I guess I'll need to hunt it down, huh?
My DD loves these - I can use any if people have some to trade.
