Free Sample Fiber One Cereal

Please correct the following error:

- An order has already been placed using this Pin Code

Click here to correct any errors.
Please correct the following error:

- An order has already been placed using this Pin Code

Click here to correct any errors.

oh well worth a try!
Went thru without a Pin No.
Thanks for the post!!
I typed in the pin # without the dash and got the message that pin number was not correct. I retyped with the dash and got the message that pin number was already used. You figure. Thanks anyway.
doesn't work any more

An order has already been placed using this Pin Code

Click here to correct any errors.
Mine went thru without a pin no. also.....just leave it blank!
Please correct the following error:

- An order has already been placed using this Pin Code

Doesn't work:verysad:
Just got this e-mail:

Thank you for requesting a free sample of Fiber One® Cereal. Your sample has been shipped and you should receive it in 10-14 days.

In the meantime, please visit now and learn how to begin eating and living better today!

Thank you!

I get a message that the pin number has already been used
thanks for posting,curious! :claps: got an email saying it was shipping out!:)
Just signed up and it went through fine. thanks for the post.
I keep getting this reply "- An order has already been placed using this Pin Code