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your a bit late on this one, been around for months already.
:bump2: :bump2: :bump2: :bump2: :bump2:


:bump2: :bump2: :bump2: :bump2: :bump2:​
Maybe the incentive of Diego stickers will help my son Shane. He sits & plays. Sings & plays, etc. The other day he told me he couldn't go because stretch (yeah, he named it as he discovered it gets bigger if he pulls it) didn't have any batteries & I couldn't figure out just what to say except to laugh. :)

Out of the mouths of babes! Too freaking funny! I would have burst out laughing too had my son said something like that.

POTTY TRAINING ADVICE THAT WORKS! If you have 2 weeks to stay at home, seriously do this. Let them run around butt naked! My son, age 3, was potty trained in less than 2 days. After 5 days, we incorporated underwear. After 8 days, we let him sleep in underwear. Not ONE accident at night. EVER! The first time they pee or poop, they'll learn about what it feels like before it happens if you let them go around naked. He had only one other pee accident during the day after that. From then on, he was good. I have to remind him every now and then to go, but otherwise, he does it all on his own.