Free Mom Kit

received mine today it included coupons for FREE large bottle of listerine, pedicare medication and purell. there were only three coupons but it is definately worth calling in for.
The nicest people. Even though I am a grandmother, I still ordered it for my daughter. Thank you Bella!
I got my coupons today. I only got free Purell and a free Pediacare coupons. Then I got 1.00 off Listerine and $1.00 off Desitin. But it's better than nothing! :)
I just got cupons for Free Purell, Free Listerine Mouthwash, Free PediaCare and $1 off on any Desitin. The cupons expire on 12/31/07.
Thanks again Libellula!
I got coupons for free Listerine, free Purell and free PediaCare but nothing for Desitin. These are great coupons, thanks for the post! :claps:
I got 2 coupons one for free Purell & Pediacare.

Thank You for the great post!
Received my coupons:

Free Listerine not to exceed $8.40

Free PediaCare not to exceed $6.00

Free Purell not to exceed $3.50
I got the same as Muff, still great freebies.Thanks!