Free Greeting Card Samples from Hallmark Business Expressions

I just got mine today - they're really nice! Thanks, Joyce!
How long did it take to receive your order? I ordered some almost four weeks ago and have not heard anything.
I received 10 of the 13 cards I asked for--no anniversary ones. These are really, really nice, but their e-mail is screwed up and they keep telling me to go to their site directly, etc. I had e-mailed them a few days ago, and this has been going on since then. Out of the blue, the cards showed up today. They are so nice, I'm going to order some for DH to his office address when I have time. Thanks so much for such a great post!
We placed two orders using the same address, different names and emails and received them within 10 days. They are beautiful cards. Thank you Joyce!!
Finally went back to the site. It said I "timed out" and they were also doing maintenance...Ha? In the middle of a business day? Anyway, was able to order two so far for DH, but now I notice they have a limit of 10 mentioned on the form you fill out for the sample of any given card. Also, I cannot figure out how to request 10 all at once. Seems you have to fill out the N&A each time you select a card. Have to try again another time.
It came in the mail like 1 week after I asked for it. They put a limit on how many sample cards they allow you. They are so beautiful. Thanks Joyce so much for the post! :like:
Thanks Joyce I ordered the penguin one they're so cute!:p
ordered 11 holiday cards and recieved about 10 days later! THANKS! :bigok:

Tip: Make sure to preview the INSIDE of the cards online. I got a few cards that say something like "We appreciate your business" inside the cards, so I can't use them lol :P That's my fault for not checking!
I got sooo many good CARDs . . .LUVin IT THANX. . . .
Gee, I thought I ordered but dont remember getting any. I am trying to order now, and I filled out form and got page that said, "sorry unable to process your request right now, Please try again later."

Do you have to fill out a form for each card requested??
Gee, I thought I ordered but dont remember getting any. I am trying to order now, and I filled out form and got page that said, "sorry unable to process your request right now, Please try again later."

Do you have to fill out a form for each card requested??

Yes. Click a card, view full card (to make sure it doesnt say anything about a "business" inside lol), close that window, click on "free sample" and fill out the form.

I got 11 cards, and my cuture mom-in-law got 15. :)
The website says 10, so I am gonna order until I have enough for all of the cards I need to send, for those annouing things that are on the inside? A Cute little picture drawn by the kids will glue over that after I mark it out with permanent marker, also the white out tape is good too! Or a good old holiday joke like, since your always IN my business, I just considered you a part of my business, LMAO! The something like Just kidding, Im cheap and I got these cards free so I am being creative here, give me some credit, LOLOL!
Yes. Click a card, view full card (to make sure it doesnt say anything about a "business" inside lol), close that window, click on "free sample" and fill out the form.

I got 11 cards, and my cuture mom-in-law got 15. :)

I realized later that the ones I couldnt order were all that said in red that they would be available Nov 3rd, which it already was in the wee hours of the morning. I 'll try to order somemore tonite.
I tried today and received an error message:

Our Apologies
The website is currently down for maintainence. We are working hard to get the site back up, so please check back frequently.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience. We hope to see you on very soon!