Free Glue Dot Samples

Hmm.. is this the same confirmation everyone else got?

Thank You For Filling Out This Form
Below is what you submitted to [email protected],[email protected],[email protected] on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 02:59:26

Name: (info here)

Company: (info here)

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Low Tack: on

Medium Tack: on

High Tack: on

Super Tack: on
I sent for these back when , never got them. Just tried the new link hope they come .I do some scrap booking and tons of card making too (like stampermommy) Thanks

and yes to Kaija, got the same thing
Thanks Joyce, I've always wanted to try these :teeth:
Glue dots are AWESOME!!!! Thanks for the post!!
Right now it says "this section will be up & running again shortly." I'll try again later today. My parents use these for craft projects in the kids ministry at their church so they will love this sample! :) Thanks!
I got my samples too. Very nice. I make my own cards and go through these like crazy !!
Nice to have a variety
I missed this one until today. Hope to get it soon. Thanks.
I gotta send for a sample! never even heard of them before! They look useful!
I e-mailed them asking where my samples were, and they wrote back asking what uses I have for them. Oh, no--I don't even know what they are! Should I tell them I just want to cross this off on my log and that getting free stuff lifts my self-esteem--OR-- should I say scrapbooking, card-making, crafts, hanging things on walls? Those are all the uses I saw mentioned in this thread. Think I'll pick the last few items. I never remember getting a confirmation e-mail, so maybe that's why I never got the samples. Just a heads up to others who didn't receive this.