Free Glamour Swag bag first 500 to register each week

Nothing happens when I click the "Submit" button :(

Do you mean "Click here to enter?" Because that is dead until they open up for submissions again. That should be Friday, the 22nd sometime after 9 AM EST. Sometimes that'll take you to a page which tells you that all the bags are gone and to come back next week. I just tried it, and it's not doing anything here, either. I have never seen the actual entry form for this.
Thanks, Mary for posting this! I'll have to make sure to set my alarm so I don't sleep in! :sleep: :yawn: LOL
Do you mean "Click here to enter?" Because that is dead until they open up for submissions again. That should be Friday, the 22nd sometime after 9 AM EST. Sometimes that'll take you to a page which tells you that all the bags are gone and to come back next week. I just tried it, and it's not doing anything here, either. I have never seen the actual entry form for this.

No, the submit button on the entry form. I filled out everything but the submit button wouldn't work! :mad:
The site appears to be completely disabled this morning!
All Out... hope everybody got in.

thought they said it starts at 10am?????????????? hmmmmmmm! Wierd! Esp since the film is last week's film! Underground!
What's really strange is that the film for this week 02/22/2008 hasn't even started yet! And yet they're out? What time zone are they doing this on? anyone know???????? really wierd!
I still don't know what time zone they're doing this from...b/c it says after you click on "underground" which was last week's film that the film for this week hasn't been released yet so how can they have run out? and what time zone are they doing this from??????? ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS?????????
My pages have updated. Have you deleted your cache? Try closing your browser and doing it again.
When exactly does the week start for this? Sunday or Monday??