FREE Gel Pad from Geltec Products

Free Gel Toy Sample

Initially, because of shipping costs and export limitations, we felt this offer could only be extended to residents of the United States and Canada. However, due to the trial success we have had at fulfilling some international requests now, we will continue to accommodate those of you outside North America to the best of our ability.
Stress reliever, pen holder, & ergonomic wrist and elbow cushion are just a few of the uses we've seen

Note: Actual sample color may vary
Free GEL toy sample!!

Stress reliever, pen holder, & ergonomic wrist and elbow cushion are just a few of the uses we've seen!

Note: Actual sample color may vary

NOTICE: Due to the overwhelming number of requests, please allow 2-3 weeks for processing -- limit one per order. Delivery to foreign countries may take an additional 1-2 weeks. If you are seriously considering a purchase before that time, please call or e-mail us at [email protected]
This one was posted before. I did it about 4-5 weeks ago, still no sample. We'll see!
i did a search and couldn't find a previous post...maybe typed it in wrong...we'll see!
Don't hold your breath, kids.
There's no Easter Bunny or Great Pumpkin, either.
sign up for this a long time ago but i didn't receive it...