Free Disney Movie Insiders Rewards Points

If someone has a code that is one use - you should probably just ask people to PM you - that way you know exactly who it's going to.
wish they would do that scavenger hunt thing on their website like they did last year for points...they added up quickly!
Get 5 FREE Disney Movie Rewards Points Enter Code: dec2502

Click the DMR logo at
25 days of christmas

and they'll be automagically added to your account. 5 points each day you click.
Did anyone find today's logo?

Thanks for posting glitterdog. I can't find the logo.
5 FREE Disney Movie Rewards Points (Day 4)
Enter Code: dec2506
Here are 10 more points, enter code: 10ptsmobile
thanks gd.... just used half of my points... now need to regain them!!!
Looks like these are just daily codes. Did you try it yesterday and it didn't work then? I'm really not sure about these codes.