Free Disney Movie Insiders Rewards Points

These look like one time use codes, but thank you. Will try one.

*yep, they had been used already:yesnod:
Thanks anyhow
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To get 10 FREE Disney Movie Rewards Points enter code DMRPIN Expires 3/14/13
Check your emails. Mystery points(7) will be added to your points.
25 FREE Disney Movie Rewards Points

Enter code PLEDGE
I haven't gotten a movie rewards email in ages. am I the only one not getting them?
I haven't gotten a movie rewards email in ages. am I the only one not getting them?

i wasn't getting them and went back to website and resubmitted to get the emails. I get them now. I'm not sure if I unsubscribed at some point.
I have resubmitted my info several times recently for the emails and it hasn't worked.
Disney Movie Rewards

Enter code: CTC2NM
Expires at Noon eastern on 12/3

If this is like last year there will be a new 5 point code each day to Christmas