Free Carton of Pall Mall Cigarettes from RJ Reynolds--*Call-In*

Nope, its for a free carton. Thats exactly what they said. And, my neighbor jus recieved his. If you only got two packs, I would suggest him calling again.

I just told him he should try calling again. Cigarettes are expensive. He pays $7.50 a pack. If they were supposed to send him a carton of ten packs, that's $75 right there. :teeth:
I just told him he should try calling again. Cigarettes are expensive. He pays $7.50 a pack. If they were supposed to send him a carton of ten packs, that's $75 right there. :teeth:

What's he smokin' for $7.50 a pack? :ignore:
Marlboro's. Cigarettes are expensive here. There's the city tax, the county tax, the state tax...
elliedoom, your husband and I need to make friends with someone in Kentucky!
:claps: Thanks for the post!! I love free cigs.. I got mine this morning. Still Good!!
Dbee, I'd like it better if he'd just quit! :teeth:
elliedoom, I know what you mean about quitting, it seems to hurt everyone I love that I smoke.:verysad:
The only thing that bugs me is that I have to do laundry so often because his clothes stink to high heaven. That, and it's so expensive. At two packs a week, that's $780 a year up in smoke!
I called the company today, they said the coupon I received (4 free packs), was a upc mail in offer, the carton offer takes 6-8 weeks. Keep them freebies coming!
Damn, a free carton of smokes here in NY that saves me about 40 bucks.
you're back on my Christmas card list.
I called today and talked to real nice woman. She's sending me a coupon for a free carton in about 6-8 weeks. Maybe I'll quit smoking by then.
You really are the best Joyce. Marlboro ultra lights r my brand of choice, but for free i'll be happy to smoke RJ Reynolds brand of ultra lights.
And to all u other people paying a fortune for cigs, move down here to sunny florida, marlboro is roughly $27 a carton, or just take a vacation, and bring a few cartons back with u. I know they are even cheaper in some other states, but florida a beautiful place to come visit :claps:
Tried to call a couple days ago and hung up after being on hold for about 15 minutes (was also not able to make the computer understand my birth date). Anyhow just called in again, got thru quickly to a very friendly,helpful rep. coupon is on the way......GREAT DEAL
I finally called today, and said "no" when it asked for an ID number. Then I got an operator pronto. She was so nice, had me in her database, and said she'd send the coupon out. It was so easy. I asked if it was one per household or one per smoker, and she said it was one per smoker. She then agreed to send one to my DH also, as he, too, was in the files. So, we will be getting two coupons--and the whole thing took about six minutes.
I was just wondering if anyone had received a coupon yet?
Free CARTON of Pall Mall smokes!

Don't know if this is a repost, since I haven't been on Spoofee for a while, but Viceroy cigarettes are being discontinued and RJ Reynolds is offering an incentive for smokers to switch to Pall Mall. If you are of verifyable legal age, just call 1 (866) 909-8769 and answer a few questions and tell em you smoke Viceroy ;) It's about time consumers get a break!!! :bigok:
I've known about this for a while, and I think there must be another thread for this offer. Do another search.
Yesterday hubby received two $3-off coupons. I was like, "That's it?" Very disappointing.