Free Armor All Starter Kit - $10.00 value

I am still waiting on mine. It seems like so much of the stuff everyone one else gets I never to get it. Maybe it is the state I live in lol
I am still waiting on mine. It seems like so much of the stuff everyone one else gets I never to get it. Maybe it is the state I live in lol

Yes, I suggested to the Postmaster General that in order to save money on their budget, all mail to Arkansas should be stopped for one month. Next month, it'll be Louisiana. :)

Received the Armor All package today. I couldn't believe it. Guess they finally got their website people straightened out. Let's send those people over to work at Allure Magazine. :teeth:
Yes, I suggested to the Postmaster General that in order to save money on their budget, all mail to Arkansas should be stopped for one month. Next month, it'll be Louisiana. :)

:thinking: So that's what happened
I received mine yesterday :clap: Now I have to wash the car :cry: :lol: