Free Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste Sample + Coupons

Great find! Always need toothpaste!
Ahhh...I searched but nothing came up.
I've done it myself....twice I think !!!!!!
Remember the old saying, Be true to your teeth or they will be false to you! :)
aquafrsh is supposed to be aquafresh thats y
T'lyn said:
Linkie no workie for me either and I tried both. The first one came up and played music but everytime you ckicked on the free sample Square they would fade away to the music playing and nothing would happen. I also tried clicking on those white charactors without results.
:confused: :confused:

Free Sample of Aquafresh Extreme Clean at your local retailer. (Up to $1.25 value on any 1.3 oz size)
Offer Expires 12/31/2006


Your submission was processed successfully. Please read the instructions below and then click the "Print My Coupon" button.

Instructions for printing your coupon.

direct link
I got it before post,however everbody have to be caution, their websit has a problem that can cause your computer perform improperly.
Direct link does not work but first link does. You MUST download Coupon Manager before you can print coupon so I'll pass. Thanks anyway spoofee12.:pumpkin:
Would it work if someone who had the coupon printed, scaned it in and posted it here??
I can't get it to print. I've printed other coupons ok. I hit Activate and it just sits there. I don't have that coupon manager installed but the bar at the top never pops up...
Darn, the supermarkets only have the large size. I can only find this size in the 99 Cents stores and they won't take coupons!!!