I have 6 dealers within 40 miles of me.
BTW I received the Dodge gift card and didn't have to leave the house. :behindsofa:
how in the world did u manage to do that?
I'm gooooooooood. :yesnod: :boogy:
:blushing: :tongue::doh:
BTW I'm trying the same with this one, but I'm getting a strange error message.
I'm gooooooooood. :yesnod: :boogy:
:blushing: :tongue::doh:
BTW I'm trying the same with this one, but I'm getting a strange error message.
:marchmellow: How gooooooooooooood are you big guy:questionmark:
i wish im as good as u... will u teach me? :lol:
Super duper good. :yesnod: roud::tongue: