Free $5 Starbucks Card for Doing Survey

i never recieved my card either. someone out there at starbucks is wearing my t shirts and hats, eating my popcorn and enjoying my oprah goodie bag....:( :confused: :) :mad: :( :confused: :)
tigger_too_wooh said:
Thanks for the post...


everytime I take the survey, it hangs after I enter the magazine that I subscribe to. I've taken it twice and it's done the same thing both time. It's been "loading" for at least 10 minutes this time.

Anyone else having this problem?

Yes, whenever I entered an actual answer (e.g. radio station, tv program), the survey would hang up. So I entered as little info as possible, got to 95% done, then it hung up with "Please wait." This stayed for hours because I left the computer. Arrrrgh! :clock:
gift card never came, im 47 and redecorating, so dont feel bad about fibbing, they dont send it even if you tell the
Yup, this is a waste of time, did the whole thing, answered honestly, and at the end it just said "thanks", didn't take any contact info or say anything about a giftcard.

Don't bother.
We're sorry!
You do not meet the requirements for this survey.

Thank you for your interest.


I didn't even make it to the remodeling page.

After 10 minute survey I got "Thank you" and the window closed? Anyone else get this? No mention of a Starbucks card. Darn, I was going to send it to my daughter, we don't have a Starbucks here, but her boyfriend loves the stuff.
i was just wondering how we will recieve the card when they never asked for a shipping address:hmm: please tell me if this is a stupid question to: SRILEY i got the same thing!