Free - 5 Irwin Blue Blade Bi-Metal Utility Blades

Waxedstrong said:
That would hurt.

LOL. I am generally against people posting messages that don't add anything to the thread (such as posting a message every single day that you still haven't gotten a freebie yet).


I thought you were funny. I didn't even read it like that (jumping JUMPING on blades). Hahaha. (:
So there is still hope for the rest of us...i need those $*#@ blades! ;)
Got mine yesterday. They will be a stocking stuffer. If he behaves himself I wont put them in already opened!! LOL.
Yee Haaaa!!!! (dances around) I got my blades! I got my blades! Thanks! :)
this offer is swtill good.
Now I need to find something to cut...

I finally recevied my blades - now I need to cut something. :bigok:
Got my blades. I wonder how unbreakable they are. Gimme something to cut up. :)
I got my Blades today as well. Three observations. 1: These suckers are SHARP. 2: Fingers are very delicate. 3: It is really hard to type without fingers (I think my nose is getting a blister.). Thanks for the freebie! ~???Now,where did I put the super glue???~
Signed up for it a looong time ago, like 2 months and I never got it :(
I got mine this week or late last week. EverythingrunstogetherIdontremember.

Now, I'm just not sure how to handle them. I guess I have to go buy the hand-piece?
Got mine today. I wonder if anybody makes a razor that these will fit in.