free $10 gas card -first 1000

I didn't even notice this post yesterday.Oh well 3 strikes against me I'm late, I live in NY , and lately i'm not even getting the things that they say I will get say nothing of a sweepstakes. entered anyway, always the eternal hope!!!

Same here! LOL
holy cow..I just got a 10.00 mobile gas card and a whoopie cushion in the mail today...yippy....did anyone else get this too..
Good luck using it at a mobile gas station--that would be a gas station on the move, right? However, you could go to Mobil and try for a stationary pump! Nothing here--I'd remember the whoopie cushion! Hope I get that, too. Congrats!! In going back to the link now, I vaguely remember this, and I think I did enter. They are no longer taking entries now, tho.
good luck using it at a mobile gas station--that would be a gas station on the move, right? However, you could go to mobil and try for a stationary pump! Nothing here--i'd remember the whoopie cushion! Hope i get that, too. Congrats!!

lol..never said i could spell..
I got the gas card and whoopie cushion today too!!
WOW! Congrats to both Dolphingirl and Hilly! Yay! Did the whoopie cushion fit in the mailbox (assuming this came USPS)?
yes it came in a regular envelope from cmt.whoopie cushion was deflated .air was not included
Haven't gotten it yet! Sure hope it comes! Pretty bad when Gas in Florida is higher then in NY! My mom told me gas up by her is $3.69 and here it's $3.83 per gallon! ;(
I've been noticing that regular is $3.35 here in NJ also (cash price). Unfortunately, both our cars use premium. Still, my husband filled my car for $3.59 last Saturday (and he was able to use a credit card). I thought that was OK, considering that we thought it would go sky-high by Monday. It didn't, tho, which was good for lots of people.
Yes, it's up to $3.79 yesterday which is about 20 cents higher than before this last hurricane in Texas....ouch!
Indianapolis is at 3.75 this morning. AND that's the cheapest price.
Got mine yesterday, along with a whoopee cushion the kids fought over, LOL
$3.95 (cheapest here)...if you can even find it!
got the shell gas card last week... however shell gas is expensive